Managing Back Pain
Don’t take back pain lying down
Learn about common back problems and how to manage them.
I’ve got a weak core
I’ve got a disc bulge
My back locks up/goes into spasm?
Are these familiar?
Our webinar could help you get back on track.
Back pain is common - up to 84% of people across the world will experience back pain during their lifetime. You can be young or old. Some of us have many fixed ideas about back pain and what it means and quite often those assumptions can stop us from doing the very things that would make our lives so much better.
Exercise and movement is helpful for back pain and the best is the type you enjoy.
But have you avoided it because of someone else’s experience? Do you think that exercise is going to make your back worse? Do you avoid some movements in case it sets it off again?
Scientific research doesn’t show that any of the usual exercise activities are bad for you or will wear out your joints!
if you sprained your ankle, exercise is part of the rehab, and yes it's going to feel sore, but in time it gets stronger.
The soreness goes away and far from damaging your ankle, it's vital to get your good movement and function back again so you can continue to move..and you can do this for your back too!
Physiotherapist Bernadette Armstrong and Pilates teacher Karen Grinter ran a webinar last month talking about back pain and how to manage it and you can get the recording right now.
Both of them have been working in Northamptonshire for the past 25 years or more and between them have a wealth of experience and knowledge working with people with back problems and getting them back on track.
The feedback has been very positive and this is what we covered ..
- What is a spine!
- How do nerves affect pain?
- What is a NORMAL spine!
- How does the healing process work and what can you do to help it.
- Degenerative Discs - what does that mean?
- What is stenosis?
- The difference between disc pain and joint pain.
- What types of treatment are available.
- What is an MRI scan and how can it help?
- What is important and what isn’t on an MRI scan.
- How to use over the counter medication and when to use it.
- Why is movement important?
- Stretching vs Strengthening - which is best?
- How to deal with sciatica
We finished with an Q&A session from those attending with Bernadette giving some suggestions to help on many of the subjects above.
Really enjoyed it. Pitched at the right level for non-medical professionals.
Looking forward to more. Bernadette is amazing - I have been so lucky to be allocated to her as my physio.
I thought Bernadette got the content just right, the way she explained things really got the message over, it was really interesting to learn the healing process.
Just watched the webinar and it was fascinating! I have taken a lot from this for myself and clients. Really lovely lady who explains everything very well without too much technical jargon making it easy to understand.
You can have 30 days access to the recording.
All you need to do is make a minimum £5 donation to Northants Community Aid via their website - hit the donate button on their page, make a donation and send the receipt to and we will send you a link to the recording for 30 days access. And if you are a UK taxpayer, you can add gift aid to your donation.
Why only 30 days? Because you need to actually watch it to get the benefits!
Because all our webinars are run to raise money for local charties. We are a proud member of Northants Commumity Aid, a charity set up by local businesses to raise money for anyone individual, organisation or charity who can apply for a grant to aid them in delivering help to those in need in Northamptonshre and we can also nominate a charity ourselves. Ours iS Nothamptonshire Carers and so far this webinar has raised over £800 alone!
NEXT WEBINAR – Upper Limb with a local upper limb specialist orthopaedic surgeon. Dates TBA.
If you know someone who would benefit from this webinar, send them the details and they can access it too.
We love to share our knowledge to anyone who needs it and can improve their knowledge and wellbeing.
Thank you so much for organizing the Webinar last night. I found it absolutely brilliant! It is the first Webinar I've joined up to and it certainly won't be the last.
I found Bernadette's talk fascinating. I shall be re-watching it and taking notes on her advice. What I particularly liked were her explanations and in particular her analogies which made it much easier to understand.
What made the evening doubly fantastic was the amazing amount you raised for charity.