Neck and Shoulders Like Boulders?
Neck and Shoulders Like Boulders?
Stephanie Rodley Physiotherapist
DOES IT FEEL LIKE THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD ON YOUR SHOUDLERS? We may be doing less commuting but we are still spending a lot of time on our devices. Or maybe more time in the garden due to the lovely weather - not sure where it is right now. Regardless of the causes, what can we do to improve our upper body posture and deal with aches and pains?
Can you get rid of a hump? What can you do about frozen shoulder issues and how long does it take to get back to normal, does it ever get back to normal? What is the best thing to do when you wake up with a stiff neck and it doesn't move very well?
Get the answers to these issues and more and some simple exercises to help you get a bit more mobility in your neck from Karen at the end of the session.
16th July 2020 at 7pm
You book in via our online booking system, or use the link below, the cost is £2 and that will go to the Hope Centre in Northampton and you will get the link for the webinar.
Sit down, get comfy and prepare to listen and participate, you can ask questions via the Chat Box. This is an opportunity to get the low down on common issues that people have.
Obviously Stephanie can't diagnose and treat you online but there may be some simple ways we can deal with common problems and stop something from getting a bigger problem further down the line.