Eating For Bone Health
Eating For Bone Health
Emma Ellice-Flint
Did you know that your future bone health is denoted by your bone building years up to the age of 30? What did you do during that time to ‘bone bank’? How good were your deposits?
Or are you under 30 now? What can you do to support your bone health?
What foods and supplements will support our bones as we get older? Are there things we should avoid? Which supplements are suitable and when and how should we take them. What steps are you taking to ensure your bone health future. Did you know that swimming and cycling whilst great for many aspects of fitness are no help at all in building bone density?
BONE FORMATION Knowing your bone mineral density (BMD) is important in the prevention or treatment of Osteoporosis and many factors affect how good our bones are.
• From birth to 30 years old we make more bone than we lose. • At 30 years of age, you are at peak bone density, you will have as much as you will ever have.
• From age 30 to 40 years the rate you MAKE bone is equal to the rate you LOSE bone, so they pretty much equal out.
• From 40 to 50 years old bone mineral density is still steady but the rate we lose bone starts to increase.
• Over 50 years old for men and women bone LOSS is greater than its FORMATION, so bone density starts to decline.
Diet and activity levels up to the age of 30 are vital to your later bone health. Everything you do during these years contributes to your future ‘bone bank’. Even after your bone mass reaches its peak and you start to lose bone, you can still do plenty to keep your bones healthy and stay stronger for longer.
If you want to ensure you are doing the best you can for your bone health this webinar will help you make good choices – whether you are a teenager, heading to the menopause or in your older years, we can all benefit from this session and find the best way to stay bone fit and healthy.
I am delighted to be joined by author of The Happy Hormone Cookbook Emma Ellice-Flint, qualified nutritionist, nutritional therapist and experienced chef for this webinar and she is all about the science. Emma is part of an amazing team with Louise Newson at Newson Health Menopause and Wellbeing Center in Stratford-Upon-Avon and helps many women with all aspects of their health with diet and nutrition. As always we will record the session so if you are not available on the night you can watch on catch up if you book in to this session.
Book in and and as always proceeds after card fees will go to the Hope Centre in Northampton.
Wednesday 7th October 2020 at 7pm